Scrabbles the Raccoon Free Sewing Pattern and Tutorial
On April 10, 2018 by fluffmongerWith Mother’s Day right around the corner, I took inspiration from one of my mom’s favorite animals for creating my latest plush design. She loves raccoons, and I’m sure she would have one as a pet if she if could (I think I get my obsession with animals from her ?). I made a raccoon last

Madness! Poetry Round 1 – Dinner with Chompers
On March 7, 2017 by fluffmongerFor the past few weeks, I’ve been taking some time off from designing. I started taking a poetry class at the end of January, and I’ve enjoyed shifting my creative focus for a bit. I never in my life thought the words “I’m taking a poetry class” would come out of my mouth. But when I started writing a story

Skitters the Raccoon
On February 2, 2017 by fluffmongerIt’s hard to believe that I let nearly eleven months pass without releasing a new plush character, but I finally completed a new one, Skitters the Raccoon, last Friday! I’ve had plans to make a raccoon for a while now. I was sure I was going to find the time to make one before my mom’s

Falafel’s Garden is Live on Kickstarter!
On September 6, 2016 by fluffmongerThe Kickstarter children’s book project is now live! For those of you who might be using Kickstarter for the first time, here are some things that are helpful to know: You must create an account with Kickstarter in order to back a project. (Your credit card will not be charged unless the project is fully funded.)

Part 6: My Inspiration for a Children’s Book about Healthy Eating
On August 31, 2016 by fluffmongerThis is the sixth and final post in the series. You can read the first post here. It’s less than a week out from the Kickstarter launch to fund printing Falafel’s Garden on 100% recycled paper in the US, and I’m getting excited! For the last post on the making of Falafel’s Garden, I thought I’d delve a

Part 5: Falafel’s Garden Eco-Friendly Children’s Book Coming to Kickstarter!
On August 24, 2016 by fluffmongerThis is the fifth post in the series. You can read the first post here. I’m excited to announce that Falafel’s Garden will be coming to Kickstarter September 6th, 2016! For those of you who aren’t familiar with Kickstarter, it’s a crowdfunding website that helps artists and other creators find the resources and support they need to

Fluffmonger Children’s Book Part 4: A First Look at Falafel’s Garden, Plus Another Free Coloring Page!
On August 10, 2016 by fluffmongerThis is the fourth post in the series. You can read the first post here. A lot of things have come together in the past week for Falafel’s Garden that make me feel like I can finally see the finish line off in the distance! I finished up working with an editor and am finally through with revisions

Fluffmonger Children’s Book Part 3: A Garden for Falafel, Plus Another FREE Coloring Page!
On August 2, 2016 by fluffmongerThis is the third post in the series. You can read the first post and find the Falafel the Llama coloring page here. Falafel the Llama, Griswold the Sheep, and Baxter the Horse are as antsy as I am to reveal more about their book! I can finally show a little bit of the scenery that’s directly related