22 responses

  1. Debra
    July 30, 2018

    Otters are my FAVORITE! I want this pattern so much, but even though I signed up, I still can’t access it! Please help me!!!!


    • fluffmonger
      July 30, 2018

      Hi,Debra! Thank you so much! The password should have been sent to you in an email newsletter. Be sure to check your spam and any promotions folders. There will be a link to the “free pattern library” in the email, and you’ll just enter the password that is listed below that link after you click the link. Be sure to type the password in all capital letters. Let me know if you can’t find the email.


  2. Judith
    September 7, 2018

    Muchas gracias!!! Por compartir algunos patrones y me encanto los materiales que vendes tengo muchos sobrinos pequeños y quería preguntar si son son hipoalergénicos ya que en la familia padecemos de muchas alergias


    • fluffmonger
      September 7, 2018

      Estoy usando Google translate, por lo que me disculpo si algo de esto no tiene sentido. El vellón y el hilo en mi tienda Etsy son orgánicos, lo que significa que las fibras de las plantas se cultivan sin el uso de pesticidas utilizados para la agricultura convencional, y se tiñen con colorantes GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard). Sin embargo, es posible que las personas tengan alergias al algodón. Si sus sobrinos tienen alergias al algodón, es posible que desee averiguar si también tienen problemas con el algodón orgánico antes de comprar un kit.


  3. norma
    September 30, 2018

    can’t find the password. Like the otter pattern.


    • fluffmonger
      October 5, 2018

      Thanks! Did you check our spam folders? It may also be in your “updates” or “promotions” folder.


  4. Fabiola
    November 22, 2018

    I loved your blog. I’m from Brazil and I love to sew even though I have little time. I love making toys and dolls. Thank you so much for your shares.


    • fluffmonger
      November 23, 2018

      Thank you so much, Fabiola!


  5. Jennifer Stafford
    January 19, 2022

    Is the fleece you use stretchy, or is there stuffed animal fleece that isn’t stretchy?


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